About Us

Global Certification Support Center

The Global Certification Support Center started as a small organization that provided just dumps (writing materials) to her candidates that enabled them to pass exams with ease, but this was not a 100% guaranteed process because questions could easily be changed by the exam boards without notice leading to frustration at times. So, we thought of the best way to offer candidates a 100% and safe process of passing their exams being the proxy support (i.e., we connect and write exams directly for candidates remotely) which is 100% guaranteed

Today, we offer our exclusive clients the ability to gain           Cybersecurity, IT and other certificates within days and receive payment only   after passing and result confirmation.
We do exam CLEARANCE (writing) for candidates all over the world (Asia, UAE, USA, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Africa and Europe etc.).
We work with a dynamic team of professionals(trainers) who make sure they score candidates excellent scores with no possibility of revocation. 

 With us, you simply have to schedule your exam online (On VUE) and we will connect to your PC 30mins to check in time and handle exam for you remotely with excellent results guaranteed.

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Satisfied Customers

 Why you should chose our services;

1) You don’t pay us a penny not until you pass your exam and confirm results.

2) We are affordable .

3) We guarantee excellent results due to professionalism.

4) We are encrypted(no third party knows we supported you since we don’t advertise by results).

5) We do orientation and advice candidates on the best certifications in demand.

6) We help you save time, energy and money as we guarantee your pass in just a short period.

7) We support 24/7.
If you’re just starting out in the world of IT or cybersecurity, consider entry-level certifications like the Google cloud, Azure, CompTIA A+, etc. You can build job-ready skills while earning a shareable certificate from an industry leader.
Our services are best to those who have experiences in their fields but they do not have enough time to study and pass exam. However, we can build fresher to become experts in a very short time. You are 100% guaranteed good results and discount in your certifications.
Nearly all professional certifications are possible with the GCSC.
The Certification is 100% guaranteed, secure and encrypted.

about us 3

100% Proxy Support

Exam Proxy ensure the accuracy and stability of exam solutions to help you 100% pass exam. Our solutions cover 100% real pass exam answers and questions.

24/7 Professional Support

To help candidates well prepared the exam, we have professional 24/7 online technical support to ensure candidates solve any problems.

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Certifications Achived
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Customers Satisfaction
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Years Of Experience
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Expert Support

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